Monday, July 30, 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Saturday, June 05, 2010

rain rain went away but will return another day

Lately its been raining cats and dogs. Yesterday I stepped into a poodle. But today we are back to having blue skies. I've got a tramp planned for tomorrow so you can bet anything you like the Heavens will open up and either the trip will be cancelled or I'll end up getting really wet along the way. I guess it's my lot in life to suffer inclement weather. 

Things have been looking on the up and up for my tenpin bowling lately, though our team might struggle to win the second round. Not to worry there's still another two to go, should we miss out. 

Oh well, just thought I'd do a bit of a moan about the weather, nothing much else to report except I have started up a Social City game on Facebook. I have change my city's name form Leisureleeland to Fernmore (a little easier to remember).

Fernmore  is a fictitious Place Name I have used in the past as backdrops for some of my stories, so I rather thought it would be a golly old wheeze to create a rough image of it on line. One of the main places I have centered stories so far is a cafe called the Candlestick, which is meant to be situated between a butchers and a bakery (a sort of parody of "The Butcher, The Baker and The Candlestick maker). I have ready got access to plenty of Cafes, but short of a Butchers and Bakery. I'll have to improvise. 

Friday, May 21, 2010

Back again

Its been a very long time since I updated this blog as you will no doubt note if you look at the date on the last posting. Since then I have been mucking around with other bits and pieces of writing. Inluding the zarptangol blog, which is also in limbo at present.

I'm still doing the usual things: tramping (when possible), ten pin bowling and of course uploading creative literature to with mixed replies. If you want to see my latest work checkout Dead Croc Walking

I have also been working on a setting up a virtual city on facebook's social cities. The city I have made is called Leisureleeland. Check it out if you like. My facebook identity is Leslie Blackwell. Everything was going well for sometime then it all turned to custard and I am now left trying to rebuild. It'll take time to get back to how I had it before but what the hell, I'll just do it one day at a time.

That's about all I can think of for now.
Promise next post wont be so far in the future.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Zarp Tangol moved

I recently started another blog called Zarp Tangol. It has been moved to a new address now: zarp tangol

It is fairly new and still in its initial stages of being developed but you are welcome to have a look if you wish.

I've been doing the usual sort of things. Work, work, work but have this weekend free for a change. Its a blustering cold day outside.

My Ten pin bowling skills are starting to come right now. The Whatevers are back to being in a good position. So all is good!

Blog you later aligator.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

In the news

It seems that the David Baine case is still going strong. Witnesses are coming forward and saying all sorts of bad things about him. Hindsight is having a field day and even some of the original testimonies are being slightly recanted. It's getting so that a team of lawers from Boston Legal might have to take over and sort it all out. Denny will get to the bottom of it for sure providing it assures him with being able to sleep with one of the sexy females. Alan would also do well with one of his great award winning closing arguments.

More importantly there is a lot of talk,. warnings and advice concerning the swine flu virus which seems to had made it's way into New Zealand. Not the sort of illness I would wish to get that's for sure. I'm sure with the medical profession being clever charlies as they are will come up with a way of saying, Oi you, Swiney, get on you bike and get the hell out of God's Zone (New Zealand)or we'll kick your ass. Make it look pretty stupid any way.

Probably not the best time to make a pig of yourself right now.

Karori Cemetery has also had its share of publicity lately. An argument has broken out about people's rights to walk, or not walk, their dogs there. By law they ae meant to keep the dogs on a leash and clean up any doggie-do their pooches leave behind. The dog walkers are not happy with being forced to obey this law under the threat of a $300 fine. Nor are they too thrilled about locals taking photos of dog walkers that flaut the law, then sending in the photos as evidence to the dog control. Dog laws are always a contenious issue at the best of times but lately its looking as though things are squaring off for an all out battle with no bars held.

And there is also other bits and peices of news but you're probably best to get off your fat bum and go out and buy a newspaper.

laptop troubles

Had another set back the other day. My laptop went and died on me. Fortunately it was still under warrentee and could be fixed up free of charge. All going well now. Speaking of things going well, the turbines in Makara are up and runnig now. I think there is something like 60 of them altogether. Managed to take a few photos of them, but was a little far a way to get any good shots. I'll try tomorrow from a different angle and see what I can get.

Ten pin bowling is still proving to be a bit of a trial for me this year. Somethings just not right in my timing. It's quite frustrating because I know I am capable of doing a lot better than I am. It just not cricket (as they say).

There's talk now of extending the airport to (among other things) accomodate larger international flights from overseas to Wellington. The terminal looks like a pumkin patch. Rather silly actually. Something one cannot honestly be proud to have as a welcoming sign for the capital of New Zealand. First impressions are always important and whatever impression that gives must speak volumes of what overseas guests must think of whats to come.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

vidoes on utube

I finally had a chance to skype with bigbrother the other day. It went well to say the least. Glad that the internet thingy is all sorted out now. Having broadband has allowed me to do more experimental stuff such as the other day I uploaded videos onto utube. Not very interesting ones, just something to practice with. You're free to have a look at them if you wish